About Tuberose

The Tuberose Flower The inspiration for an artist to create a masterpiece comes from the word “beauty”. And that beauty is truly realised when one sees, feels and experiences Tuberose flower.


Tuberose is one of the most magnificent flowers, which is not only pleasingly beautiful but emits delightful fragrance too. The perfume making industry well knows its high value and uses it extensively. And the flower is used for such purposes for hundreds of years. Tuberose belongs to the Agavaceae family of plants and its scientific name is Polianthes Tuberosa. The flower originates from Mexican region and is extensively cultivated in southern hemisphere. However, the flower can be well planted in the northern hemisphere if given proper care.


Being relatively a slow grower, the cultivators have to keep patience. The plant takes bit some time to pop out of the ground. But soon after you look at the charming beauty of the flower and plant, you will find your wait completely worth. Growing Tuberose Tuberous plant needs same cultural methods applied for gladioli. Plant it in the spring and then weed out the plants that die immaturely. Keep the soil dry and take utmost precautions while nurturing. The plant can be easily identified as it grows in elongated spikes. These spikes further produce clusters of fragrant white flowers. Normally the tuberose grows one foot in diameter. And the spikes grow up to two feet in height. The flowers normally bloom from the bottom to the topmost part of the spike. Contrary to myths, tuberoses can be grown in warm climates too. The flowers flourish in places with ample exposure to sun and as soon as summer passes, the flower blooms. During the flowering process, ensure you fertilise and water the plant regularly. In case you are growing tuberose indoors, keep the temperature at 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Potted bulbs normally take four to five months to flower. A well drained soil and sunlit area make perfect condition for Tuberose farming.


At times aromatic flowers can be cut but make sure you replace the water regularly. The plants then easily grow to three feet high. And at this time, several bulbs bloom. ubers are planted keeping the top of the tuber exposed to air. History of Tuberose As aforesaid, the plant basically belongs to Mexico region. As per myths, it were Aztec Indians who first identified the anti-inflammatory attributes of the flower. On the basis of the waxy, white blossoms attributes of the flower, the Aztecs dubbed the plant as tuberose omixochitl or bone flower. In Mexican, the flower is known as Nardo and Azucena. In Mexico, tuberose is one of the favourite flowers among garden enthusiasts. Perfume Industry For ages, tuberose flowers are used in making perfumes. Nearly, 3,600 lbs of tuberose blossoms are required to produce one lb of its oil. The oil made up of tuberose is considered as the highest priced oil in the perfumes industry. The oil also known as absolute resembles to that of jasmine blossom.



Tuberose oil 10 ML bottle.




Tuberose oil 20 ML bottle.



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